If you’ve lived in Goodyear for some time or have visited here recently, no doubt you’ve seen all the construction. It’s a growing Goodyear… one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. With 106,000 residents, it’s a great time to update you on big projects ahead. LOOP 303 FROM INTERSTATE 10 TO MC85 “The […]


RENT VS. BUY Submitted by Martin C. Sears PC You might be thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions. If one of them might be to save up for a house… we can help you with your pros and cons list. To start, it helps to think about the long-term benefit. “When renting or owning a […]

Location, Schools, Curb appeal

“Location, location, location” is quickly being replaced with the phrase, “Schools, schools, schools.” The West Valley is one of the quickest growing regions in the United States. Why? Good schools! • First-rate elementary schools strengthen and energize neighborhoods. Buyers with children seek vibrant communities, rigorous curricula and excelling teachers. • Good schools inspire more family-friendly […]

Questions to ask your Mortgage Lender or Broker

What to Ask When Getting a Loan Do you know the right questions to ask a lender or mortgage broker? Before you start looking at homes, it’s wise to get your selection of a lender squared away first. Part of being prepared to get a loan is asking your mortgage company the right questions. When […]